- warped: déformé
- slights: affronts
- hatch: éclore
- numbness: engourdissement
- scurrying: se précipiter
- unraveling: se défaire
- hustler: arnaqueur
- to veer: virer
- funky: exubérant
- wink: clin d'oeil
- slate: ardoise
- flimsy: fragile
- Haven: abri
- unfathomably: incompréhensible
- I accepted the hard truth that hoping and wishing are like gambling on long shots, and if I wanted to be better, I had to start living every day with a sense of urgency. Because that is the only way to turn the odds in your favor.
- There was no one pushing on a day-to-day basis any longer.
- snag: pépin
- foreclosure: saisie
- to come out of the gauntlet: sortir du gant
- etched: gravé
- to hunker down: s'installer
- slingshot: lance-pierre
- Understand, the clock is always ticking, and at some point, your golden hour will expire unless you take action.
- I'd wasted way too much of my life telling myself the same sad story. I needed to move forward. It was time to write something new.
- My father never apologized to me. Nobody ever said sorry for anything I went through. I had to come to the conclusion that while I didn't deserve any of it, I was my main problem and primary obstacle.
- Windows of opportunity can and do close, so it is imperative that we do not waste time on bullshit.
- We need to understand that forward motion gives our lives momentum.
- You have been preoccupied by bullshit for way too long. It's time to switch your focus to the things that will slingshot you forward. #DistractingInjuries #NeverFinished
Chapter Two Merry Fucking Christmas
- aptly: avec grande pertinence
- corny-ass: over-used
- tantalizing: attrayant
- numbing: engourdissant
- sheen: éclat
- dazed: abasourdi
- potholes: nids de poules
- underdog: outsider
- faith: conviction
- blood clots: caillots de sang
- sickle cell: drépanocyte; un drépanocyte est une globule rouge déformé en forme de faucille
- squeaky: grinçant
- gurneys: brancards à roulettes
- wobbly: branlant
- drip: perfusion
- vindicated: innocenté
- expendable: facilement remplaçable
- grind: boulot pénible
- savage: sauvage
- swan song: chant du cygne
- I saw things as they really were, and that made me a fighter.
- Like most of us, she didn't want to feel her pain, so she failed to find the power in it.
- Denial is self-protecting, but it's also self-limiting. Accepting your full truth, including all your faults, imperfections, and missteps, allows you to evolve, expand your possibilities, seek redemption, and explore your true potential.
- Inspiring you to never be satisfied.
- I had to double down on what made me unique, maintain faith in myself and my vision, and work harder.
- You cannot be afraid to disappoint people. You have to live the life you want to live.
- Focus on the horizon. That is your perspective. That is your future.
- It was risky, but trailblazers never take the smooth roads thousands of others have already traveled.
- Life is the ultimate competitor; it takes no day off, and it won't care if you've made some money or got a promotion at work.
- I've always been a man of action and service, and I know I would not be able to inspire people by simply talking about the things I did in my past. I gave myself one rule before joining social media: if I can't live it, I won't speak it.
- rip: déchirure
- rub: frotter
- sore: douloureux
- whined: gémir
- nagging: tenace
- emperor with no clothes: importance de reconnaître et de dire la vérité
- dread: crainte
- daze: confusion
- numb: paralysé
- perk: se redresser
- to cringe: grimacer
- swollen: enflé
- bitch: garce
- hunky-dory: génial
- recoil: reculer
- slighted: manquer de respect
- gnarly: horrible
- crevice: fissure
- disposable: jetable
- You must literally listen to yourself.
- My fear and trauma were transformed into energy and confidence.
- I've kept a journal for years, but there are levels to this shit, and a written archive is the entry level. Audio recordings are more interactive and accessible and have a more profound effect on the mind.
- Recording yourself isn't just a reliable tool for neutralizing trauma. It can change the dynamic of almost any situation or mood.
- The way we speak to ourselves in moments of doubt is crucial, whether or not the stakes are high. Because our words become actions, and our actions build habits that can coat our minds and bodies with the plaque of ambivalence, hesitancy, and passivity and separate us from our own lives. If any of this sounds familiar, grab your phone and record your inner dialogue as soon as you wake up. Don't hold back. Spill all your dread, laziness, and stress into the mic. Now listen to it. Nine times out of ten, you won't like what you hear.
- You must speak the truth and be willing to listen to it. Don't be afraid of your weakness or doubt. Don't be embarrassed and pretend it doesn't exist. It surfaced for a reason, so use it to flip the dynamic of your life.
- Luckily, the world is filled with jealous, insecure haters.
- Winners in life see everything they experience and everything they ear, see, and feel as pure energy. They train their minds to find it.
- It's time to make your own mixtape. #TapeRecordYourself #NeverFinished
Chapter Three The Mental Lab
- ruck: baston
- boulder: rocher
- bolted: verrouillé
- crutch: béquille
- bout: combat
- pushover: faible
- to heed: écouter
- sway: balance
- wrinkle: imprévu
- to bonk: se cogner
- flippant: désinvolte
- Difficult workouts and long study sessions tended to spotlight all my weak points.
- Sometimes the biggest decisions in your life - the ones that will set your trajectory for weeks, months, years, or even decades to come - sneak-up (prendre de court) on you.
- Mental toughness and resilience fade if they aren't used consistently. I say it all the time: you are either getting better, or you're getting worse.
- When I trained for Badwater the first time, my feet and ankles were so fucked I couldn't even run for the first four weeks of training. I had to work out on the elliptical or with a rowing machine, and I never even considered letting injuries stop me.
- Because when I run, I focus on my stride, remain conscious of where and how my feet strike the ground and on my head and shoulder position. I visualize myself running with a tray of full water glasses on my head.
- Because I don't run to burn calories or maintain cardiovascular fitness. To me, it's about achieving mental and physical greatness.
- I had to sharpen my focus.
- to teeter: chanceler
- unhinged: dérangé
- swirling: tourbillon
- shallow: peu profond
- chipping: éclat
- froth: mousse
- to stagger: chanceler
- brink: bord
- swell: gonfler
- shiver: frissonner
- to graze: érafler
- His emotions were controlling him instead of the other way around.
- Quitting on a dream stays with you.
- Many dreams die while suffering.
- Maybe you finished Ultraman or graduated from Harvard. I do not care. Respect is earned every day by waking up early, challenging yourself with new dreams or digging up old nightmares, and embracing the suck (faire avec sans râler) like you have nothing and have never done a damn thing in your life.
- There are 86400 seconds in a day. Losing just one of those seconds can change the outcome of your day and, potentially, your life #OneSecondDecision #NeverFinished
Chapter Four A Savage Reborn
- winded: essoufflé
- scorching: brûlant
- motherfucking: fils de pute
- churning: agité
- slick: glissant
- chatty: bavard
- to coast: aller en roue libre
- to scout: explorer
- to bitch about: se plaindre de
- stuttering: bégaiement
- stammering: bégaiement
- upbringing: éducation
- craggy: escarpé
- the baddest motherfucker: le mec le plus redoutable
- smug: suffisant, imbu de soi-même
- scraps: les restes
- unraveling: se défaire
- tremor: tremblement
- elated: fou de joie
- A prepared mind craves the worst conditions because it knows that pressure brings out its best and exposes almost everyone else.
- The prepared mind is a magnificent thing.
- I'd learned long ago that no matter what type of event or challenge I engage in, the only competition that ever matters is me against me.
- I would speed-hike (marcher rapidement) the ups and run the flats and downs. Most ultra runners use that strategy because running steep inclines burns your reserves, and you don't really make up that much time.
- People who've spent time on high country trails know the heartbreak of a false summit. When all you want is for the incline to stop kicking your ass, it tricks you into thinking you've made it, only to reveal that you're even close. In life, there are plenty of false summits.
- The end comes when it comes, and anticipation will only distract you from completing the task in front of you to the best of your ability. Remember, the struggle is the whole journey.
- The only way to free yourself from the struggle is to finish it.
- I didn't wear a fitness watch. I wore a ten-dollar special from Walmart that I bought the day before because I didn't want knowledge of my pace clouding my mindset. I was focused on one thing: the task at hand.
- For many people, the haunting begins the minute they wake up. Maybe they are fat or disabled, feel ugly, or are failing and overwhelmed at school or work, and it consumes them.
- The only thing on their agenda is avoiding exposure and surviving another day in hell.
- The full-time savage sees everything in life as an opportunity to learn, adapt, and evolve.
- Your strongest moments will often make you think of your weakest.
- Crossing the finish line with any amount of unburned fuel is a cardinal sin.
- If you want to maximize minimal potential and become great in any field, you must embrace your savage side and become imbalanced, at least for a period of time.
- When you don't know who is you're talking to, the wise move is to lead with respect or say nothing at all.
- to tear down to the studs: réduire à ses éléments les plus fondamentaux.
- dazzle: éblouir
- spellbound: émerveillé
- rubble: gravat
- to relapse: rechuter
- stalk: traquer
- out of the spell: expliquer clairement
- to claw: griffer
- When your self-worth goes away and you don't deal with or accept your demons, they will continue to own you, and you will become a bottom feeder (accepter la médiocrité ou perdre son estime de soi)
- The human mind loves progress.
- Have the courage and mental endurance to do whatever it takes to start knocking down those walls. You are the warden of your life. Don't forget you hold the keys. #PrisonerMind #NeverFinished
Chapter Five Disciple Of Discipline
- to snap: se casser
- rimmed: bordé
- filth: saleté, crasse
- shivers: frissons
- out-doorsy: qui aime les activités de plein air
- prissy: guindé
- frazzled: éreinté
- diaper: couche
- ungodly: infernal
- stench: puanteur
- sagging: défoncé
- throb: vibration
- breakdown: décomposition
- etch: graver
- to coddle: couver
- quiver: carquois
- pristine: pur, immaculé
- scrapes: éraflures
- to loath: détester
- to sag: descendre
- to trump: surpasser
- brass: cuivre
- beaming: radieux
- That's the beauty of discipline.
- I am proof that rebirth is possible through discipline, which is the only thing capable of altering your DNA.
- Nowadays, it doesn't matter where you are from or who you are; if you are disciplined, there will be no stopping you.
- I dropped down and hit a max set of push-ups.
- I first realized I am at best when I am a disciple of discipline.
- Whenever I had a purpose or a task in front of me, I didn't consider it done until I'd completed it to the best of my ability.
- Never treat yourself as a victim.
- Next, accept that you are on your own. Nobody will come save you.
- Then, you must become a disciple of discipline.
- pity: pitié
- balm: baume
- to snatch: arracher
- to squander: gaspiller
- plight: situation désespérée
- hoarder: personne qui fait des réserves (écureuil)
- mopey: mélancolique
- foul: infect
- oblivious: inconscient
- janitor: concierge
- selflessness: altruisme
- to mop: nettoyer
- grit: courage
- freefall: faire de la chute libre
- shedding: mue
- Another morning, you miss the gym, another evening wasted without studying. Another day burned when you didn't made any progress toward your dreams, ambitions, and deepest desires.
- The only thing that ever matters is the present moment.
- The earlier I get up, the more I do.
- Don't feel sorry for yourself. Get strategic. Attack the problem.
- You've got to find the lesson in every shitty task or low-wage job. That requires humility.
- Continued growth only comes when you are willing to be humble. #TrainedHumility #NeverFinished
Chapter Six The Art or Getting Hit In The Mouth
- overbearing: dominateur
- to gush: s’épancher
- taunting: sarcasme
- to lay back: s’allonger
- ledge: rebord
- glimmer:: faible lueur
- disbelief: incrédulité
- blink: clin d’œil
- to freak out: flipper
- hobbling: boitiller
- swivel: pivot
- to fend for oneself: se débrouiller
- bladder: vessie
- slant: incliné
- steaming: fumant
- giddy: étourdi
- to swell: enfler
- adrenals: glandes surrénales
- haymaker: coup de poing fracassant
- blinders: œillères
- gait: démarche, allure
- poles: batons
- subdued: sombre
- to reel: rembobiner
- on the mend: guérison
- fitful: sporadique
- slumber: sommeil
- bleary-eyed: troublé
- peruse: lire attentivement
- to roust: faire bouger
- If ten becomes the new normal, then half or full marathon may be the next step. After a marathon comes ultra. Each time you level up, your mind will step in like an overbearing chaperone and try to shut down the party.
- There is nothing wrong with being afraid or hesitant. We all have our reasons for remaining in the shallow end, but we must make our shallow end a training background.
- I wasn’t a warrior capable of thriving in discomfort.
- You need to evaluate what you are feeling. Remember, if you stay where you’ve always been, you will never learn if you have what it takes to venture into the deep water.
- Six weeks to train.
- The pain always faded to manageable, and my range of motion tended to kick in once I was warmed up.
- Situational Awareness: SA
- Making sure to eat and drink at planned intervals regardless of how good I felt.
- I bought a pair of battery powered, heated gloves just before my Frozen Otter race in 2014, which kept my hands at normal body temperature and enabled my blood to keep flowing. I won that race in part because of those gloves.
- I race streamlined.
- Once again, I called upon past triumphs to push me forward.
- The heated gloves - which by now where covered by an even thicker pair of larger gloves - thawed (décongeler) my hands out, and I figured as my blood flow shifted back forward normal, my lungs would find some relief.
- I never get emotional or over-exited at the beginning of something hard. I never celebrate anything in the middle of a race. Better to stay calm, focused on my own shift.
- Based on your perception and comprehension, what will your future status be?
- Spot checks are a regular part of Ranger School.
- But there is never a time in your life where you should give in that autopilot mentality.
- You never want to rely on someone else to lead you in your race.
- I immediately recognised that I allowed the worst-case scenario to happen.
- Once a mistake has been made in the heat of the battle, the only thing that matters is dealing with the aftermath with a clear head.
- The thyroid is the master computer of the endocrine system, and when it is over-taxed, our metabolism - the process of converting what we drink and eat into energy - becomes impaired, which can cause a cascade of consequences.
- By the time I was back on the trail, my legs felt like they were made out of stone.
- I knew from experience that the best life lessons don’t appear when things go well. It’s when all your goals and pretty plans turn to shit that you can see your flaws and learn more about yourself.
- The rewards I seek are internal, and if you have that mindset, you will find opportunities for growth everywhere.
- Remember, the goal is always to complete the mission - whatever it may be - with no regrets and a clear head, so you can use it to progress in life.
- They cannot run at all and wish like hell they could.
- Incremental progress is still progress.
- HAPE diagnosis: Œdème pulmonaire de haute altitude = accumulation de liquide dans les poumons.
- DNF: Did Not Finished
- sacrificing life and limb: risquer sa vie
- grunt: troufion
- lofty: ambitieux
- I learned that when you change, not everyone in your life will be on board.
- When you evolve, your inner circle must evolve with you.
- When there is no one around you who believes in or understands your quest, you must turn your foxhole into a one-man fighting position.
- I knew living someone's else idea of my life is a recipe for misery.
- She knows what my priorities are and fully supports them without question.
- The type that comes with an expectation of effort and demands hours, weeks, and even years of hard work. Because that is exactly what it takes to fulfill lofty ambitions and, more important than that, find out what you are truly capable of.
- Who's in your foxhole? Tag them and tell them why! #FoxholeMentality #NeverFinished
Chapter Seven The Reckoning
- tenderness: sensibilité
- infamous: infâme
- ruck: godet; se bagarrer
- throb: vibrer
- deflating: décourageant
- to grind: moudre
- tear: déchirure
- sprain: foulure
- vial: fiole
- wrinkled: ridé
- freakish: bizarre
- patella: rotule
- puck: palet
- regimen: régime
- dig: fouille
- cloaked: habillé
- tailspin: vrille
- to smack: gifler
- numbness: engourdissement
- flunked: recalé
- crutches: béquilles
- drudgery: travail acharné
- redemption: rachat
- upended: retourné
- shuttered: aux volets fermés
- upswings: redressements
- scooting running: courir avec une posture basse et rapide
- gravy: profit
- pickle: cornichon
- jackhammer: marteau piqueur
- to scamper: courir
- wry: ironique
- puffy: bouffi
- taut: tendu
- demeanor: comportement
- howls: hurlement
- blunt: contondant
- limp: boiter
- goofy: ridicule
- thug: voyou
- ridge: arête
- stem: radical
- seedpod: cosse
- seeping: suinter
- taint: tâche
- to hobble: boitiller
- rash: éruption
- freak: flipper; phénomène
- hammering: raclée
- blister: ampoule
- shitter: les chiottes
- quaking: trembler
- fumed: être furieux
- surly: renfrogné
- giddy: étourdi
- cinder: braise
- unquenchable: insatiable
- layover: escale
- to slither: onduler
- to holler: gueuler
- Running had long ago become like breathing to me.
- For a regimen of massage therapy, range of motion work, and a treatment called "dry needling", which is similar to acupuncture.
- Hope is not an anchor point.
- I knew that a bad attitude always lingers and can turn my setback into a tailspin.
- The more you dwell on the negative, the weaker you feel, and that weakness infects those around you. However, the reverse is also true. I knew that if I could control my attitude and redirect my attention, I'd gain control of the entire situation.
- Nobody teaches you how to think, act, and move when disappointment, bad news, malfunction, and disaster inevitably strike. Which means it's up to you to cultivate your own strategy and have the discipline to practice it.
- ROGER = "Received Order Given Expect Results"
- In some situations, thinking is the enemy.
- Your fate depends on your approach.
- Having a target allowed me to strategize and prioritize.
- Very few individuals step outside the box and attempt to stretch their limits.
- When your entire day is fucked up, make sure that you achieve something positive before lights out.
- We all know that training is required to make the cut in competitive sports, get into the best schools, and compete for the most coveted jobs because that's what it takes to be prepared.
- My whole existence revolved around training, visualization, and recovery.
- We can't rely on others to get us to where we need to be.
- Sympathy has no power. Humor, on the other hand, picks everyone up. It is a huge morale booster.
- I am just a guy who believes in himself more than most.
- We all must mentally recharge from time to time. Some people like to golf. Others enjoy watching football on Sundays. I go out in the backwoods and crush myself for several days at a time.
- I am focused on being my best all times. When you live that way, there is no time to donate to small-town racists or anyone else whose perspective is defined by their narrow minds.
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